Howard Shore - A Journey In The Dark
Howard Shore - Ash And Smoke
Howard Shore - The White Rider
Annie Lennox - Into The West
Howard Shore - Shelob'S Lair
Howard Shore - Minas Tirith
Howard Shore - Bridge Of Khazad Dum
Howard Shore - The Shadow Of The Past
Howard Shore - Samwise The Brave
Howard Shore - Minas Morgul
Howard Shore - The Great River
Howard Shore - Many Meetings
Howard Shore - The Ring Goes South
Howard Shore - The Forbidden Pool
Howard Shore - The Prophecy
Howard Shore - Foundations Of Stone
Howard Shore - The Fields Of The Pelennor
Howard Shore - Twilight And Shadow (Featuring Rene Fleming)
Howard Shore - Evenstar
Howard Shore / Sheila Chandra - Breath Of Life
Howard Shore - The King Of The Golden Hall
Howard Shore - The Hornburg
Howard Shore - The Uruk-Hai